
  • year: 2017
  • result: 2nd price

Including Design.

International Design contest organized by architects without borders, Piemonte.

Tokit is a flexible modular system that allows to create multiple furnishings from a limited number of components.
The vertical supports are wood pieces with a L-section. This shape increases the rigidity, guarantees resistance and facilitates connections.
The upper parts, those that interact directly with people, have a greater degree of freedom.
The vertical modules are marked in color. These are like notes of a musical language that stimulate the creation of new compositions. These are the primary colors: yellow, blue and red, which are the basis of artistic education. In addition, they are a tribute to the 100-year history of De Stijl, the Dutch movement that considered architecture and design as protagonist of the social renewal.

Contest rule.


  • year: 2024
  • G10design mixed media
  • 20 pieces limited edition

Vera Mc Alley once said: “Children learn better through their feelings and thoughts than through rules and orders”.

I was fed up repeating my kids to leave the toilet clean after they got rid of the superfluous from their stomachs.

Shouting didn´t help. I decided to give it a try with the suggestion from Mc Alley.

I end up creating the toilet brush “diamond-dung”.

The verse of a song that often comes to mind sparked the idea.

Diamonds are earth to nothing
dung gives life to flowers.

It´s from a wonderful song from Fabrizio de Andre: Via del Campo.

This is the original strofe in italian:

Dai diamanti non nasce niente
Dal letame nascono i fiori.

The metaphor is very clear: things that we consider beautiful are often useless (if not harmful) while what we reject with disdain can be truly helpful.

price : 90€ (exc. shipping)                Write us to order your Diamond-vs-Dung.


  • year: 2004
  • Private collection , Jocelyn, Washington DC.

Very few architect offices still have a drafting table. And the new generation will see them only in the movies.
Once very valuable products, drafting tables are now often abandoned along the street.
The mechanical arms are very special mechanisms, built to guarantee precision and lightness.
The last one I saw, lost along the street, was a perfect german made machine. I could not let it there and decided to take it home.